the wonderful story of parihaka


Hello wonderful bloggers!

This blog is going to be based on the beautiful town and day of Parihaka. As you all know, on the 5th of November Guy Fawkes is being celebrated, but on the opposite side of the word, New Zealand, is celebrating Parihaka, which is a town that likes to be passive aggressive and not fight.

 Here is the an over simplified version of Parihaka story. So basically the British took more land from the Maori leaders, sooooo 2 leaders – Te Whiti-o-rongomai (Te fi-ti o ron-g-o-ma-i), and Tohu Kakahi (To-hu Ka-ka-he) set up a settlement for Maori people who lost their land and homes from the British taking their land. But then it got too carried away and the British wanted to take the land of parihaka as well. So the people of Parihaka decided protest, but in a nonviolent way. But then 1 of the leaders, Te Whiti, got imprisoned for a year, but as soon as he got out, he took out the survey pegs (sticks in the ground to signify land or property) and got arrested once again. So that is the story, we wear white because white signifies peace.

photos of me (and some freinds)

Black Ferns

G’day bloggers. (I was bored)

On the 8th of October 2022 the RBC (Rugby World Cup) started. So far, the Black Ferns are winning by a long shot! They are winning every game they have played! The next game they play will be at the Northland Event Centre, they are playing in the quater finals. You are able to watch it online through the TV or watch it in real time with your family. If you want to watch the RBC you can go to their website and watch the past games here —> Rugby World Cup website. They are playing for NEW ZEALAND and taking home the cup. We made some kindness letters to send to the Black Ferns, here is my kindness letter —> Kindness letter from meeee!

So this is the end of my blog, see you in the next blog, bye bye!


Match schedule:

Photos (of us):

Video (of us):

A trip to the Auckland Muesem

Hello blogger!

In this blog I am going to do a short recount on what happened on Tuesday 18 of October 2022.

Basically Te Waka Ako visited the Auckland Muesem and looked at different gallery. We took a bus to the muesum and split into 3 group with parents in each group, roughly 4 in each, each adult had a clipboard that has activities to do with said gallery; for exsample the pacific gallery, we had to do a scavenger hunt to find where some artifacts are, like a basket in the Niue section, or a Waka in the Moari section. After all the gallery have been viewed, we had free time, I exsplored the wierd and wonderful, i made some butterflies, I explored the miniature world, and so much more.

If you want to know more look here.

Mangawhai Camp

Hello reader

On Monday last week, Waikowhai year 6’s went to Moris Point Camp!

My absolute most favourite part of camp was doing the Burma trail. The Burma Trail was invented so that they could bring supplies to beleaguered China, to help them resist the Japanese invasion. So now you know how it was invented i’ll tell you how it works. There is a rope going though the jungle so that they know the way at night instead of memorising the way, there, a nice explanation. On the second day of camp we went to the Burma trail, its located at a dense jungle. Obviously you are supposed to go through it at night so you can experience it fully.

You could go in a pair of 2’s, 3’s, or go solo. It was also horrifying because we heard a RAGHRRR then screaming in the bushes as people were going through, which meant there was some people in there scaring the other kids. I decided to go by myself because i had a plan, just catch up with the person in front of me! The first part wasn’t easy at all, it was darker than all the other parts but then after 5m of following the line there was light. The rest was just following the line but I remember, there was people scaring me so, RAGHRRR,  someone scares unexpectedly. Finally after some people scaring me i finally get to the end, YAY!

It was so fun I went again, and again, so much times I remember the pathway of the trail, so the next next day we went to the Burma Trail again. But we had to enter in the Burma Trail from the back! First time i caught up with my friends and someone had the brilliant idea of singing “BOB DA BUILDER CAN WE FIX IT,” so we wouldn’t get scared, because if we sang it loudly we couldn’t hear the shouts and that we wouldn’t get scared. After singing that we sang “DADDY FINGER DADDY FINGER WHERE ARE YOU”. And then the next next round they said go by your self and MUTE. Then i went through after one of my teachers and i remember where some of the scares (i know its not a really word) so i didn’t really get scared. I’ve done at least 10 round’s all together because it was the most FUN experience overall at camp.

Over all i would do the Burma Trail again because it was fun.

Blog you later!


Ki ora world!

On 23 of March we had a Volleyball! our coach (Tausisi) has taught us this so far, the cycle (serve, receive, set, spike, block, x∞ until you score (ball hits the ground)), receive, overhead/underarm server. My favourite part of this is when i learned how to set, it is very hard to learn it but it looked very fun to do! Fact about volleyball; volleyball was invented in Holyoke, Massachusetts way way way back in time. We have also have been learning volleyball for the past 3 – 2 weeks. Have you played volleyball before?

Here is a photo of us play volleyball

(p.s i am the boy with long hair in the back that is lunging)

(also my buddy is Caleb here is his blog —>

Growth Mindset

Kia Ora!

In My class we have been doing growth mindset for maths here is A class dojo Video about growth Mindset

And also here is one of the activity I had to do and struggled with

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